Inatronic 2022 17 – 19 Maret 2022 (JI Expo Kemayoran)

It is very unfortunate for all of us that we must hold back the exhibitions because of the covid-19 pandemic but the good news comes from Covid-19 vaccines implemented where Indonesia Government will give the vaccines for free. It is very positive because it is expected to improve conditions, especially the economy sector.

INATRONICS will be held on 17 – 19 March 2022 and expected to present over 650 exhibiting companies and 25.000 trade visitors in 3 days. It will be notably serving as one of the ASEAN’s most prospective one-stop platforms for the electronics & component industry.

Offline exhibitions are expected to be held so that companies can demonstrate their existence and be able to express and market the advantages of their latest products and innovations directly. It is hoped that through the exhibition will become a momentum for promotion and rebuild branding that fell due to pandemics. And September 2021 will become the perfect timing for us to hold the event offline.

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